Tyre Waste

Management and handling rules


1. All producers shall have the following extended producer responsibility obligations, namely:

(a) For manufacturers or importers of new tyres:
SI. No. Year Waste Tyre Recycling Target in Weight (Kilogram or Tons)
EPR obligation of the year 2022-2023 (the year in which this Schedule comes into force
35% of the quantity of new manufactured or imported in year 2020-2021
EPR obligation of the year 2023-2024
70% of the quantity of new manufactured or tyres imported in year 2021-2022
EPR obligation of the year 2024- 2025
100% of the quantity of new manufactured or tyres imported in year 2022-2023
After the year 2024-2025 (year Y), the extended producer responsibility obligation shall be 100% of the quantity of new tyres manufactured or imported in the year (Y-2).
Units established after the 1st April, 2022, the extended producer responsibility obligation shall start after two years (Y) and shall be 100% of the new tyres manufactured or imported in the year (Y-2).

(b) For waste tyre importer :-

(i) The extended producer responsibility obligation for waste tyre importer in year (Y) shall be 100% of the tyre imported in year (Y-1)
(ii) The import of waste tyre for the purpose of producing pyrolysis oil or char is prohibited.

2. Retreading

(i) The waste tyre shall be allowed for retreading and a retreader shall have to get registered on the portal for issuance of retreading certificates.
(ii) On production of retreading certificates, the extended producer responsibility obligation shall be deferred by one year for the corresponding quantity of waste tyre:
Provided that the obligation shall be extinguished only after end-of-life disposal through a registered recycler.

3. The extended producer responsibility target of producer shall be reduced by a factor laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board on account of wear and tear of tyres.


(i) The producer shall fulfill their extended producer responsibility obligation through online purchase of extended producer responsibility certificate from registered recyclers only and submit it online on the portal by filing quarterly return.
(ii) The quarterly return shall be filed by the end of the month succeeding the end of the quarter.
(iii) The details provided by producers and registered recyclers shall be cross-checked on the portal.
(iv) In case of difference, the lower figure shall be considered towards fulfilment of extended producer responsibility obligation of producer.
(v) The certificates referred to in this paragraph shall be subject to environmental audit by the agencies authorized by the Central Government in this regard.

5. The Central Pollution Control Board shall specify the standard operating procedure strictly in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule.

Unit No. 2307, 08, 09, 23rd Floor, Tower A, Bhutani Alphathum, Sector-90, Noida, U.P.- 201305


+91-120- 699 - 3119

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